
The Dairy
By Leanne Kitchen

Loved this book.  The design is clean and uncluttered and there are lots of pictures.  The food looks so tasty.  

Each section is marked by a type of dairy product, with a short history, description of production and information of each variety within the type.  Followed by a selection of recipes where the dairy features as the main event or a supporting ingredient.

Haloumi and zucchini fritters? Zucchini with lemon and caper butter? Herb filled ravioli with sage butter?

The book fits into a series including 'The Baker' and 'The Butcher'

Best of Gourmet Magazine

Amazing cover - but the inside is dated.  Written in 2002 it's imagery is very American and doesn't really show the food.  Which I find annoying as I like to be able know what a dish will look like when it's cooked.  I mean you eat with your eyes right?

So there are screeds of recipes, which I found a bit overwhelming.  One dish that caught my eye - with a full page picture of course - was scallops with a corn coulis.  Might give that a go.  The book probably does have a lot of gems, but it's just too hard to find them.

Harumi's Japanese Home Cooking
Harumi Kurihara

I adore Japanese food.  Everything is so delicious and well thought out - and - difficult to prepare. The culture of Japanese cooking would seem to agree, with some chefs beginning their careers with 5 to 7 years simply cooking rice before graduating to the knives and cooktop.

Harumi's book is as the title says home cooking.  You can imagine these dishes being the type of food at that many Japanese and ex-pats would whip up at home, as the british would bangers and mash or italians with bowls of pasta.

The ingredient lists are short - focussing on a few key elements such as soy sauce, mirin and sake being the most exotic and most others easily found at your supermarket.  Preparation is simply described and I poured over each recipe, salvating with a sudden craving for salmon sushimi.

5/5 - get it from your library or order from the Book Depository.