Saturday, February 4, 2012

Iced coffee

Coffee is probably not the first drink you think of when there's a steamy hot day brewing. The kind of day where you're sweating as soon as you jump out of bed. Alas being the die hard coffee fan that I am it is the first order of the day. Today like no other the french press, dutifully filled. I always make a full plunger as I'll drink it through out the morning. After a few chores cup refilled, I grabbed some still defrosting milk from the fridge (hot tip - yes you can freeze milk, very handy)

What happened was a deliciously icy coffee hit. It's easy, you should make it next time you do brunch. Of course you can fancy it up with cream, chocolate sauce, vanilla and the rest.

You need:
Cup of cooled strong coffee
Defrosting milk (leave a frozen 1l carton in the fridge over night) It should have milk icebergs still in it
Sugar to taste

Go 3/4 coffee and 1/4 milk.

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