Saturday, December 12, 2009

Ice Cream

So the ice cream has been made and 3/4 consumed (mainly by boyfriend) I got a bit excited and made it on Sunday afternoon. I have updated the recipe below with what ingredients I actually used. To be honest I don't normally make such full fat style foods. So this was going out on a bit of a limb for me. I thought I might do a quick add up of the fat content as best I can from the packaging and see how much naughtiness will actually be consumed in one full tub:

Fat - 173 gms (whoa!)
Sugar - 113 gms

The verdict is: It's delicious - yet the consistency is a bit wrong, and the cream flavour and texture is very apparent. Not a bad thing at all, cos it's super delicious, however I think that creaminess could be diluted a bit, if you know what I mean. Therefore I think I need to try a recipe that includes eggs. So that will happen sometime this week.

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